Who Are We?
The KiMe Fund, established through the East Tennessee Foundation, a 501(c) (3) nonprofit community foundation, is focused on finding a cure for Parkinson’s by funding research.
KiMe Leadership:
What’s in a Name?
KiMe is the Founder’s shorthand for his two daughters, Kim and Megan. It is symbolic of the drive to cure neurological disorders, starting with Parkinson’s, before the next generation of children everywhere are diagnosed.
How Do We Maximize Our Impact?
We have awarded more than $300,000 in research grants and our impact has been even larger as a result of:
- When our volunteers, family, and friends help us raise money or awareness in unique ways. (We call this a Kimpact!)
- When matching contributions are made. (This occurred with a recent award of $50,000 that was matched by an anonymous donor.)
Why Donate to KiMe?
With more than $300,000 raised for Parkinson’s research, KiMe has been able to provide opportunities for numerous ideas to get tested. We’re here so future generations have a chance to live in a world without Parkinson’s. And a little goes a long way!
“In the Parkinson’s research world, KiMe is seen as an ‘angel investor’ for important research. We help the studies of researchers to get the attention of larger firms and research grants.” – Steve Hodges, KiMe Founder
No contribution to KiMe is too small because much of the research we fund does not require massive amounts of investment to get traction. Even with a grant of $25,000.00, a promising study can be funded and important testing and results can be carried forward.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are donations tax-deductible?
Yes. Donations received will go to the East Tennessee Foundation (ETF) in care of the “KiMe Fund.” The ETF are 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
What was the motivation behind forming the KiMe Fund?
The Founder has experienced Parkinson’s Disease (PD) in his own family, including his own diagnosis on January 28, 2009. Recognizing a realistic opportunity to be a part of curing PD is an opportunity he could not resist.
How do you decide on which organization will receive the donations?
Funds will only be distributed to reputable organizations (with reasonable administrative expenses) focused on finding a cure.
How much of the money donated goes to administrative expenses versus funding research?
Our goal is to maintain administrative expenses of 10% or less. In addition, we have been successful in making awards to research organizations that have not applied administrative expenses – so 100% of grants received from KiMe are used for research.
Can I track where funds are being applied?
Yes. Grants are publicly announced and added here. In addition, we can be contacted at any time and this information will be provided.
Is there a cure for PD?
No, not at this time. But, with your support, we believe that a cure is within reach.
Where can I mail a donation?
The East Tennessee Foundation c/o the KiMe Fund
520 W. Summit Hill Drive, Suite 1101
Knoxville, TN 37902